President Robert Mugabe, sets date March 31 for Zimbabwean Elections (1)
Southern African Development Community representatives asked to leave Zimbabwe(2)
“Zimbabwe's Opposition Party Abandons Election Boycott”(3)
“Zimbabwe Shuts Down Independent Weekly
As Election Approaches,
Government Closes Third Newspaper in 18 Months (4)
“Ongoing media intimidation –
sure sign of Zimbabwean government insecurity (5)
“No solution to Zimbabwe crisis” (6)
“Desperate locals vote with their feet” (7)
“Only the very poor walk,” the officer said.
“SA's Zim observers 'hang around in hotel” (8)
“Fear of ‘sham’ elections in Zimbabwe”(9)
"On South African Broadcasting Corporation this morning, the [ZANU-PF] minister contemptuously dismissed MDC allegations of the use of food aid as a political weapon”
“Mugabe predicts a huge victory” (10)
“Mugabe's Party Wins Majority In Zimbabwe” (11)
“Mugabe secures two-thirds majority” (12)
The MDC has lead the urban vote
in the capital Harare and Bulawayo,
while Mugabe's Zanu-PF took the rural vote. (13)
Mugabe (81) will be able to rewrite the Constitution unopposed.
Zimbabwe President reported that he intends to stay in power until his 100th birthday.
His opponents were left hoping that he must be half joking.
“Mugabe claims victory has sent message to Blair”(14)
Former colonial ruler Britain said the vote was "seriously flawed,"
“Zimbabwe Election Rigging exposed”(15)
“Opposition in Zimbabwe Sees Fraud in Vote Data”(16)
"This election was stolen," MDC party spokesman, Paul Themba Nyathi, said.
“Zanu-PF offers olive branch to MDC” (17)
“Zimbabwe starves” (18)
“Drought, turmoil ... and now a fuel crisis,” (19)
“Harare reaches state of collapse” (20)
"No fuel, no food to eat. Next we won't have enough air to breathe" (21)
Can Zimbabwe get any worse?” (22)
Compiled by: Althea Middleton-Detzner
Zimbabwe, 2005 Election Report